Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Good Job, PR Folks

My brother just sent me a NYT article about a total blunder on behalf of ConAgra and Ketchum PR. Seems that the food and PR powerhouses arranged a series of dinners for New York area food and mom bloggers. The bloggers were told that the dinners would be prepared by chef George Duran (who I generally like), but in reality, they were served frozen foods courtesy of ConAgra's Marie Callender's brand.

The intention was to capture the blogger reactions on hidden cameras, then to stage a big reveal, a la Folger's or Pizza Hut. The reality was a little different...since (some of) the bloggers ended up super mad.

And I can see why. While I'm pretty sure I would have laughed the whole situation off, I certainly agree with the angry bloggers' complaints about the food - not so much that it tasted bad, but that it's just not healthy.

Apparently ConAgra forgot that there's more to food than taste? And Ketchum also somehow missed the fresh/unprocessed food revolution? I don't understand how that happened, but at least representatives from both companies appear somewhat chastened.

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