Friday, September 30, 2005

Tapioca Soup

tapioca soup
Originally uploaded by Kit Pollard.

After a delicious meal at Thai, we had high hopes for dessert, and each ordered something. Sarah and Missy (smartly) played it safe, ordering flan. Theirs was good, but it wasn't much like any flan I've ever had - it had an eggy custard and looked and tasted more like bread pudding than anything else.

Sarah and I took risks with our desserts. Risks that were not rewarded. I ordered perles - described as sticky rice with a sweet, creamy sauce inside. I guess that's what they were. Unfortunately, the sauce was pretty minimal and was more like thick milk than anything else. It didn't exactly deliver on the "sweet."

Sarah ordered tapioca pudding - theoretically safe, but interesting at a Thai place. Before her dessert arrived, she said, "I hope it's not large pearl pudding. I don't like tapioca with large pearls."

What she should've said, though, was "I hope it's pudding." Because the dish that arrived at the table was not like any pudding I've ever seen...except for jello pudding prior to refrigeration. It was, literally, soup. And it had black beans in it. The taste wasn't offensive - even with the beans (they added more texture than taste) but I, for one, couldn't get past the fact that it was a liquid.

Fortunately, Sarah was able to immortalize the dish, capturing it on film. Digital is wonderful...

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