Monday, June 22, 2009

Trendy Monday: History

Back from vacation and back to regular blogging. Promise.

Maybe it was the years spent in historic Annapolis and Colonial Williamsburg, but I'm kind of a history geek, especially when it comes to food and drink. Much to Cooper's chagrin, the walls of our basement are covered with the dorkiest kind of timeline. It details major events in political, cultural and food history from the beginning of time until about 1940 (the more recent years don't include the food part). It makes people think I'm cool. Just kidding.

Anyway, like most geeks, I get very excited when I hear about others like me. Today's Daily Candy DC email put me in an especially good mood. There's a mixologist in DC named Derek Brown who's giving seminars on "better drinking," including on the cocktails of specific eras ("How to Drink like Mad Men" sounds amazing, right?). He's inspired by history and the cultural aspects of cocktails. Me too!

On top of this, one of F&W's Best New Chefs for 2009, Natalie Pomeroy, gave historical cooking a little love in her profile, when she mentioned her love of food history and old cookbooks, and that she hosts dinners with the Oregon Historical Society.

Based on my reading, I'm not sure I'd be interested in a perfectly reconstructed historic meal - I like modern refrigeration too much for that. But the inspiration is undeniably cool, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

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