Most of the action took place last weekend, when we hit the trifecta. First, our friend Adam took second place in the Swallow at the Hollow's annual chili cook-off. And how does this relate to us? OK, we weren't actually even there (a combination of DRP stomach flu and bad weather and work kept us housebound) but we did contribute a pound of ground venison to his mix. Which sounded awesome. I'm pretty sure the winning ingredient was a puree of spicy pepper and tomato that went into the broth. Also: three meats. You always win when you go mixed media on the meat.
Same day, I made these burgers - straight from Papa Hemingway's recipe. I can't resist anything Hemingway - he's one of my favorites. Between the Paris years, the Key West house (with its Picasso), his all-around bad-assery - and his killer, straightforward writing - I cannot get enough of the man (further appreciation documented here). As a bonus: his burgers are great. I didn't even use any condiments and they rocked.
Plus, when you make Hemingway's burgers, you talk about Hemingway at dinner. He is someone Cooper and I can agree on, though we've read completely different books and stories.
Finally, on Sunday, Cooper made a big batch of jerky, turning our kitchen into a, well, jerky-scented jerky room. The dehydrator I got him for his birthday last year has come in handy on more than one occasion - and thanks to his jerky-making prowess, we've been much been really good about using all of the venison we have packed away (he's had a good year, too, on the hunting front).
Turns out, we're also on trend with that whole jerky thing. I even got a Food and Wine email about jerky-making, just this morning! I probably should've realized when my brother told me he went to a jerky superstore while he was in LA on business. I mean, if it's happening in Los Angeles...it must be a thing.
Up this week: More manliness on the cooking front, with goose breast in the fridge, ready for smoking. Oh, and a long weekend for Dixon, who has Monday and Tuesday off. Me, I'm just ready for him to go to school for a full week, with no snow days or sick days or holidays. Gah.
Yum. To all of it. I hope you're squirelling away some of that jerky - now that I've had a practice run, your house is the only place I want to be when doomsday is upon us. :)
Ha - we really are quite ready for the apocalypse. Although, on Doomsday Preppers, there's no score for the quality of food and booze you're storing.
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