Thursday, November 04, 2010

Old School Thursday: All the Food Groups Edition

Halloween might be the unofficial national day of candy, but today is actually National Candy Day. It’s also the day of St. Charles Borromeo, patron of apple orchards, suggesting that maybe it’s really National Candy Apple Day. That would make sense, right? Or at least that’s a good way to celebrate?

Today’s a big patent day, too. In 1873, Anthony Iske received a patent for a meat slicing machine similar to a mandoline and six years later, in 1879, Thomas Elkins received a patent for a refrigerating machine.

Right about that time, Gerard Adriaan Heineken was probably growing up, thinking about the brewery he would one day found. Then, today, in 1923, he celebrated the birth of his grandson, Alfred, who ran the company from 1964 until 1989.

So today, to celebrate: stick a Heineken in the fridge, slice up a little meat and serve it with a candy apple. Sounds delicious, right?

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