Thursday, January 29, 2009

Old School Thursday: Dairy Highs and Lows Edition

Ha! National Corn Chip Day in the US falls on the same day as National Salt Awarness Day in the UK. It’s good timing for both, what with the Super Bowl coming up and all. And I’d say that I’m usually pretty aware of salt when I’m eating corn chips.

In other news, today’s all about the beginnings and the ends. Today in 1878, George Lester was awarded the first patent for a glass milk container (seems amazing that it took that long to think that up, doesn’t it?) And a generation later, in 1924, Carl Taylor received a patent for the first US ice cream cone rolling machine, which sounds very specific, but I’m guessing it’s pretty useful.

Unfortunately, in 1978, ice cream got a little sadder, at least in Sweden, when the country banned aerosol cans, thus effectively ending the reign of Reddi-Wip topping. And, I guess, the reign of teenagers doing whip-its.

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