Friday, April 11, 2008

Dictionary Friday (Also Want): Butter Curler

butter curler
A small (6- to 7-inch-long) utensil with a serrated hook at one end. The hook is drawn down the length of a stick of butter to make butter curls. The curls are then dropped into ice water to set their shape.

© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.

If I had one of these, every meal at our house would involve tiny curls of butter. So adorable.


Pigtown*Design said...

I used to have a great piece of silver - it was a dome-shaped piece, with the top sliding under the bottom half. There was a pierced silver "shelf" under which you placed ice water/ice. The butter went on the shelf. It kept the butter chilled. Now some hoodlum has it and hasn't got the faintest idea what to do with it.

Kit Pollard said...

That is wildly cool. I'm such a huge fan of little things with highly specific purposes.

And that is why I own multiple zesters and things like salt dishes. Also why I have absolutely no empty shelves in my house, despite ample cabinet space.

Elizabeth said...

Kit - did Erin tell you about the game at my kitchen shower? I had to identify all these crazy specific kitchen tools. One was a butter curler!

Kit Pollard said...

She DID tell me - partly because she said she was the only one who knew what a foil cutter was. That's SO Waskom...


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