Friday, November 30, 2007

More Lives I Wish I Had

My sister's friend Libby sent us an article the other day. The subject line in her email was "paris + art" and all the email said was "this is amazingly cool." She was so right.

It's about this group in France - a "cultural guerilla" movement called Untergunther - that broke into the Pantheon, set up a secret workshop under the dome and, over a year, restored an antique clock that had been neglected for 50 years.

Untergunther's mission is to restore national relics that have fallen to the wayside, and they do it under the radar. The whole Pantheon thing started by a few members allowing themselves to be locked inside the Pantheon after closing one night - Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler-style - and it ended with them in court, with charges pressed by an embarrassed Centre of National Monuments.

As I said to Libby and Erin: stuff this cool only happens in Europe. They agreed, and suggested that somebody get their hands on this story and turn it into a screenplay or TV series.

And how is this about food? OK, it isn't. Except that the whole dramatic tale takes place in Paris. So you just know these little renegades were eating well, too. I have a very clear picture in my mind. It involves clock restoration, super secret spy outfits, a nice Bordeaux, some mild cheese (nothing too strong - can't let the scent linger) and a fabulously crusty bread.

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