Monday, November 05, 2012

I Love Miles Redd (and Parties)

Especially this quote, from the Magic Makers awards feature in the November-December issue of Veranda:
Frivolity gets a bad rap, but I will defend it till my dying day.
Redd's interiors are so glamorous and I actually don't think of them as frivolous, but maybe that's because I've internalized the word's "bad rap."

I think of Reed's rooms as super-glamorous and a perfect frame for a super-fun life.

Speaking of super-fun, I wrote an article on party details - mixing high-end and lowbrow - for the Scene section of the Sun (I had some help from Richard Gorelick on it, as well). It was so much fun and chatting with a bunch of great Baltimore party planners SO got me in the mood to have a party.

And speaking of parties, last Saturday was the first Mason Dixon Social Club dance. Despite a few hiccups with the music, it was a really good time. Next up for the MDSC: a brief holiday break, followed by some sort of event - like a happy hour - in January. Details to follow!

1 comment:

Sarah G said...

I LOVE Miles Redd! Shocker. :)


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