Thursday, February 14, 2008

Old School Thursday: Inventors, Explorers & Valentines Edition

Happy Valentine’s Day! Not surprisingly, today is also National Cream Filled Chocolates Day (well, actually, that is a little surprising, only in that I never guessed that the cream filled chocolate lobby was strong enough to petition for a day.) Today’s a pretty great holiday in Bulgaria, too – Vinegrowers’ Day, when Bulgarians hoping for a good harvest prune their vines and sprinkle them with wine.

In exploration and invention news, today is the anniversary of the death of Captain James Cook (1779), explorer extraordinaire and namer of the Sandwich Islands. A few years later, in 1833, Gottlieb Sigismund Kirchhof, the man who discovered glucose (among other things, including experimenting with brewing and fermentation) died. But then only five years later, American inventor Margaret E. Knight was born…so the world would one day have machine-made paper bags with flat bottoms.

Thanks, of course, to

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